viernes, 23 de abril de 2010


Complete Kim's e-mail with the verbs in the Past Simple.
Hi DavidYou asked (ask) me about my expedition to Scotland. We 1Travelled (Travel) to the north of Scotland by bus but after that we 2Walked (Walk), 3Climbed (Climb) mountains and crossed the river by canoe.
I 4Met (Meet) some really nice people. We all 5Did (Do) different jobs. I 6Made (Make) a fire every evening and we 7Drank (Drink) hot chocolate under the stars. We 8Saw (See) lots of different animals and birds and everyone in the group 9Wrote (Write) about the expedition and 10Sent (Send) a report to the teacher. The information is on our school website. Why don't you look at it? There's a photo of me in the river!

See you soon

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